Features - Bags - Griffe 1

The style of the original shopping bag has now become very on-trend, and much appreciated for its design and convenience. As you can put anything into it, this type of handbag has become extremely popular with women around the world. It is part of their daily life, whether going to work, going out, or, more laid-back, for a trip to the beach. But it is not just an accessory for trendy women, many men use them because they are functional, and can look good, stylish and elegant.
The Maison's designers took great pleasure in creating these original and unique pieces. The Noreve tropezien bag is an exceptional product; born in Saint-Tropez, it is made in France by talented and expert craftsmen and is available in 3 sizes and the 10 emblematic colours of the Saint-Tropez sun and moon brand. Finally, if you want to have different compartments in your bag for better organisation, you can use a coordinated Noreve beachwear pouch for a completely on-trend look. 

Bags - Griffe 1

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Features - Bags - Griffe 1

The style of the original shopping bag has now become very on-trend, and much appreciated for its design and convenience. As you can put anything into it, this type of handbag has become extremely popular with women around the world. It is part of their daily life, whether going to work, going out, or, more laid-back, for a trip to the beach. But it is not just an accessory for trendy women, many men use them because they are functional, and can look good, stylish and elegant.
The Maison's designers took great pleasure in creating these original and unique pieces. The Noreve tropezien bag is an exceptional product; born in Saint-Tropez, it is made in France by talented and expert craftsmen and is available in 3 sizes and the 10 emblematic colours of the Saint-Tropez sun and moon brand. Finally, if you want to have different compartments in your bag for better organisation, you can use a coordinated Noreve beachwear pouch for a completely on-trend look.